Karin's Kitchen, coffee and cream cabinets 

Our good friend Karin redid her kitchen and in lieu of getting all new cabinets, she asked yours truly to faux finish her old ones. Karin and I both like a lot of cream in our coffee. The cabinets kind of took on the look of a coffee with cream, or maybe its more cream with a little coffee. I think I spent the good part of a December and most of a Christmas break over at her house. She had A LOT of cabinets, and doors and shelves. However, it might have had more to do with spending more time coffee drinking than painting.  I remember it was 2006 the year of the Indian Ocean Tsunami - it happened the day after Christmas. I guess that was good enough reason to pause over a cup of coffee with a good friend. Karin has just redone her kitchen again, this time she got herself some real cabinets. Even good coffee gets old :)  
